
Eastern Canon Law

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Író: Pablo Gefael, Jobe Abbas
Induló ár:  4 400 Ft
3 740 Ft

Készlet: Nem beszerezhető

Várható szállítás: Bizonytalan

Nearly a decade and a half ago "Folia canonica: Review of Eastern and Western Canon Law" was launched, first and foremost, with the particular intention of promoting the study and research of the Eastern branch of canon law, as indicated in the subtitle. It also published an annual bibliography of the same branch which gained recognition and wider use. For various reasons, the scope of the Journal has shifted from this original aim. Finally, in the autumn of 2012, a decision was made that the publication would appear under a new title: "Folia theologica et canonica". This development necessitates the launching of a new periodical with the goal of continuing to serve as a forum for Eastern canon law studies. It is our intention, God willing, that this review, the "Eastern Canon Law", will appear semi-annualy in the future. In addition to publishing studies in Eastern canon law, it will continue to provide the annual bibliography, as it seems increasingly important to keep track of developments in this area, due to the constant growing number of publications. It is hoped that this periodical may continue to rely on the co-operation and support of a community of enthusiastic and committed academics who are united not only by ties of personal friendships and common interests, but also by participation in a series of annual conferences in Eastern canon law held over the past decade. This initiative could not even be considered without the certainty of such professional support and interest. It is hoped that this new publication may loyally serve and further the development of Eastern canon law and thus the situation of the Eastern Churches. Finally, at the end of this introductory message, I would like to cite the same words with which "Folia canonica" was launched: "Sincere thanks to all Cooperators who have helped us to realize this publication. We also hope that in the future our review may count on the contribution of those canon lawyers who consider important the development of the study of Eastern Canon Law, as well as the profound mutual investigation of Eastern and Western canon law system". Péter Szabó, editor